Saturday, December 29, 2012


On Christmas Eve, we have almost always gone to the theater to see a movie.  This year we went to see The Hobbit.  I liked it but was kind of disappointed that they left out certain things and exaggerated others.  But we still had fun.  And when we got home, it was picture time; and since Kenzie and Jett had already thrown out the reindeer food, I opted for glitter photos instead.
Kenzie and I laughed at her blowing face and got glitter everywhere while Ross just stood there and said, "I don't like glitter.  I don't like glitter."
We went to bed late and Kenzie reminded me to wake her up early many times over.  I never did get to do that since she woke up at 2:30 a.m. ready to go and was made to be quiet until 7.  Our Christmas always starts out with one of us reading Luke 2:  the Christmas story. 
 This is Jett's second Christmas and he was so excited.  I've never seen Kenzie so excited and Jett followed suit and proceeded to bang on his tool set in enthusiasm.  He is such a cute kid.
 Stocking stuffers.
 Ryan came for Christmas too.
 This year I was taught about Christmas cheer and finding joy in everything, even when it's hard.  Christmas has come and gone, just as it does every year, but the smiles and tears will be remembered.  How was your Christmas?

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